Friday, 25 October 2019

Our trip to Disney on Ice

Our trip to Disney on Ice

On Saturday, 17 August my class and I had left to see a stage performance in Christchurch called
Disney on Ice.
I was very excited to go and see Moana in Te Reo Māori because I had never experienced a show like
this before and this was a wonderful opportunity.

We stopped at Arthurs Pass to play. We started a snow fight and the snow was freezing cold!
As I was making my snowball,  a super hard snowball struck my shoulder and gave me a dead arm.
After the snow fight, everyone jumped back into the nice warm van.
My clothes felt a bit cold and damp from the melting snow and I was tired from the snow fight.
It was as if I had used all my energy throwing snowballs,
dodging some and then getting hit by most.
When everybody had jumped back in the van we carried on to Christchurch,
for most of the drive I was asleep.

We finally arrived at Te Pīhopatanga (where we were staying),
I was even more amped than before because we were all going to an all you can eat buffet
at The Garden City Hotel for dinner. The food was really delicious and I ate so much food until I
was super full. I felt like I was going to explode into a  million pieces.

After dinner we stayed a little longer, chatting with everyone,
allowing our stomachs to settle and waited to go back to Te Pihopatanga.

When we returned,
I was definitely ready to have a nap because I was so full and tired
(even though I had been sleeping for half the day). However, we ended up doing kapa haka,
which was enjoyable as Memphis was with us, she could see if she wanted to make changes to any
items in our performance bracket. After kapa haka,
the tuakana (older students) wanted to perform so we watched them for half an hour.
I was still tired and kinda drifting off until they finished singing.
Whaea C put out biscuits for supper and since most of the biscuits were chocolate,
I ate lots of those.  Finally!
It was time to go to sleep but it took awhile for me to get to fall asleep because
I had energy from the chocolate biscuits. 2 hours later I finally drifted off.
It was now 8:00 in the morning, we had to get up early because it was
a Sunday and Te Pīhopatanga was starting church services at 10:00 am. We all got up, dressed and had breakfast. We didn't leave before 10:00 am it was more like 10:30, but at least we didn't have to go to church. Our teachers had planned the day so that we would go to Margaret Mahy park and then the Palms Mall for lunch. I was excited again because we were getting closer to going to Disney on Ice. We left and went to Palms Mall first as Margaret Mahy park was still wet from the rain. We stayed at the mall for 2 ½ hours. Once the sun had come out, we then went to the Margaret Mahy park. We didn't really end up staying at the park we just walked down to the courts and played netball for an hour or so than left to get ready for Disney on Ice, which started at 5:00 pm.

Once we all were ready, we left for Disney on Ice at the Horncastle Arena. By now, I was really excited because the show would be starting soon. We arrived early so we could have time to wander around to buy snacks and Disney memorabilia. The food was very expensive so I only brought chips and chocolate which I ate before the show. When the show started I was very excited, we were all in VIP front row seats so we got to see everything close up. About 2 hours later the show had finished. The show was a fantastic experience and  I really enjoyed how Moana was In te Reo Māori. Disney on Ice is pure highlights from start to finish, a supercut of all the greatest Disney moments, supercharged by the music, the arena setting, the sensational skating, the sets, lights including effects which included snow and fireworks. It was inspiring and amazing to see the characters jump around on the ice without slipping. What I didn't really enjoy was the exorbitant prices for the Disney merchandise. After the show, I was super hungry and thankfully we were going to Hells pizza for dinner so yum. 

When everyone had finished eating pizza, we went back to the place we were staying to change and play games. We finished eating more chocolate biscuits and were playing card games with Ani, Jonlee and Natal We didn't feel like playing anything that required too much of our energy so we decided to play a nice quiet game of cards (well-tried to be quiet). We played cards for about an hour or so until it was time to go inside the sleeping area.  We got ready for bed and carried on playing cards until we had to settle down for the night. Once I got into bed, I and Ani watched a youtube video before we went to sleep because we weren't that tired, I fell asleep while watching the video.

Monday and we are heading back home. I'm happy to finally be going back home, even though it's very fun in Christchurch. The teachers planned to leave Christchurch after lunch. So once we packed the van we headed to Riccarton mall. We just cruised around the mall until the food courts opened. To kill time,
I walked down to Starbucks and got a drink. A couple of hours went by, then it was time to jump back into the van and head back home. 

Hours later. We arrived home, I was glad to be back home! I really enjoyed going to Disney on Ice in Christchurch, it was an amazing experience and I can't wait to do it again! 

Big Thanks to everyone who supported a helped fundraise to come on this trip and to the tuakana (older students) who helped look after us on this trip!:)

By Ngarama weepu

Te Hui Ahurei o Te Tai o Poutini 2019

Te Hui Ahurei o Te Tai o Poutini 2019 

On Monday the 23  September the kapa haka group of Westland High School went to the annual Te Hui Ahurei Kapa Haka Festival held in the Greymouth Regent Theatre. The night before te hui ahurei kapa haka festival my friend Ani and I  stayed the night at our tutors house. In the morning, my older cousin Whakataerangi woke Ani and I up at 6:00 am to prepare ourselves for the day. I thought we looked quite good and presentable prior to walking out the door. We drove to Westland High School and from there we traveled to the Greymouth Regent Theatre. When we arrived our first role of the day was to participate in the pōwhiri. Mana whenua sat on the stage and welcomed the manuhiri into the venue. We went to the stage where Hokitika Primary School were already sitting. Following the pōwhiri my uncle Tihou was the MC for the event. It was his job to welcome everyone and announce the teams prior to their performance on the stage. My cousin and I went searching for snacks to eat before the first performance of the day.  Thankfully, after a long and difficult search I managed to find lollies . The first performance by Greymain Kapa Haka Group was very enjoyable, my cousins were in this particular group. A few hours went by then our kapa haka group left the theatre to prepare for our performance. The tutors, the tuakana, and us younger students were doing our hair, getting into our uniforms and practicing our bracket, making final polishes before our performance. As our time to perform drew near I became more and more anxious as the seconds ticked by. I feared my poi or my rau would fall out. It was finally 3:30 pm and it was time to perform. My anxiety had been replaced with excitement. We walked onto the stage the stage and our performance began. As each item went by I could feel the excitement of the audience.  Before I knew it twenty minutes had passed and our performance had finally finished. People were clapping, crying and cheering. I was glad that it was finally over. The next day my peers and I found out we would be performing in another Kapa Haka festival with a whole new bracket in Christchurch in 5 weeks! I am super excited to perform there and at the next annual Te Hui Ahurei Kapa Haka Festival. 
Nā Ngarama Weepu

Te hui ahurei o Te tai o Poutini 2019

Hei te Rāhina  te 23  Mahuru Ka haere nga roopu kapa haka o Westland High School
ki te Hui Ahurei Kapa Haka o Te Hui Ahurei i tu ki te Whare Pikitia o Greymouth Regent.
I te po i mua, i noho maua ko toku hoa ko Ani i te whare o nga kaiwhakaako. I te ata,
ka oho taku taina tuakana o Whakataerangi ka whakaarahia matou ko Ani a te 6:00 i te ata ki te whakarite ia matou mo te ra. Ki taku whakaaro he pai te ahua o te maatau ki mua o to maatau i waho o te tatau. I haere atu mātou ki te Kura Tuarua o Westland, mai i reira ka haere matou ki te . I to matou taenga ki ta matou mahi tuatahi o te ra ko te whai wāhi atu ki roto i te pōwhiri. I noho te Mana Whenua ki runga i te atamira, ka manako ki te manuhiri ki roto i te waahi. I haere matou ki te atamira i noho ai te Kura Tuatahi o Hokitika. Whai muri i te poaka ko taku matua ko Tihou te MC mo te huihuinga. Ko tana mahi te whakatau i nga tangata katoa me te panui i nga kapa i mua i a raatau mahi i runga i te atamira. I haere au ko toku tungane ki te rapu kai parekai hei kai i mua i nga mahi tuatahi o te ra. Ma te mihi, i muri mai i te rapu roa me te uaua te whakahaere i nga hua a lollies. Ko te whakakitenga tuatahi a Greymain Kapa Haka Group he mea tino pai, i noho oku teina i roto i tenei roopu. He ruarua haora i hori atu ana ka wehe atu te roopu kapa haka ki te whare tapere ki te whakariterite i a maatau mahi. Ko nga kaiwhakaako, ko te tuakana, me ngā Aaonga taiohi kei te mahi i o matou makawe, tae rawa ki ta matou kaakahu me te mahi
i to taatau taiapa, ka mutu ngā pirihimana whakamutunga i mua i a maatau mahi. Ka tata ana te wa ki te mahi i te wa
ka piki ake taku maaramatanga i te wa i tirohia ai ngā hēkona. I mataku ahau ka hinga taku poi me taku rau. I te mutunga ko te 3:30 pm a he
wa ki te mahi. Kua hurihia taku awangawanga ki te koa. I haere mātou ki runga i te
atamira i te atamira ka tiimata ana mahi. I te haere o ia taonga, ka taea e au te paanui i
te hunga whakarongo. I mua i taku mohio kua rua tekau meneti kua paahitia, kua oti ta
matou mahi.
I patipati te iwi, ka tangi, ka tiimata. I koa ahau i te mutunga kua pau. I te ra i muri mai
ka mohio maua ko aku hoa ko taatau e mahi ana i tetahi atu huihuinga Kapa Haka me tetahi
whare hou i Otautahi i ngā wiki 5! He tino pukumahi ahau ki te mahi i taua waa me te huihuinga o Te Hui Ahurei Kapa Haka a-tau.

Nā Ngarama Weepu

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Te Hui Ahurei 👑👑

Anei ōku whakaaro e pa ana ki te kaupapa Te Hui Ahurei o Ngā Kura o Te Tai o Poutini 2019.
Kei a matou te toa 👑

Friday, 16 August 2019

He whakatauki

Tena koutou,

Kei te kura tuarua o Hokitika ahau i tenei rangi. Kei te ako matau me pehea te mahi whakararau i tetahi taupanga Kukara i tetahi rangitaki.